Friday, April 13, 2012

Feng Shui for the Agnostic or Listen to the NJ parkway

Anyone that knows me will know that I am a complete insomniac.  Tylenol PM, Unisom, Valerian Root, and melatonin don't seem to work as well anymore.  Could it be what I listen to before I close my eyes?  I can't sleep without any noise.  Sleeping in complete silence is maddening and I will lay awake for hours.

Growing up in our first family house was great.  I had the pleasure of having a bay in my backyard.  The sound of the little waves hitting the deck and the bulkhead.  <<<Splash, splash, splash>>>

Another sound I've grown accustomed to is the sounds of boats and jet skies whirring about in the water.  

Then we moved to another house where I would be lulled to sleep by the sound of a busy road plus a parkway.  I didn't need the T.V. on to be able to sleep.  I could and would be mesmerized by the different sounds and after a couple of nights they would be my own lullaby.

Now here comes the dilemma.  Third house.  Quiet.  Well it was until I realized that moving where you bed location is makes a great difference.   Now I have moved my bed right next to the window.  For a while now I've been afraid to sleep anywhere near a window thanks to stories about creepy men removing the screen and killing me.  Paranoid much?  Hello Lindburgh baby!   But in all seriousness I feel like I can sleep a lot better having my bed moved.  

Before:  my bed was on the South wall and pointed North.  

After reading some feng shui (be kind cuz I'm slow at this) I learned that your head should be facing the North and your feet should be pointing to the South.

Ok, so what's the big deal?  Does it really work?  Does rearranging your bedroom furniture make much of a difference?  Do you feel more relaxed, more loved, more wise, more successful?  

I moved my bed to the opposite wall and my dresser and tv to the opposite wall.  I must say it looks like I have a lot more room than usual, but I also feel more relaxed.  I am nowhere near being done with all the rearrangements. Does feng shui really have an effect on people?  Who knows.  Maybe I feel better because I can hear traffic now.  Just enough traffic sound to lull my to sleep and not jerk me out of bed at 3 in the morning.  

Feeling bored, curious, blah?  Find out your kua number first.  

MALE - take the single digit and subtract it from 10. Example: 1957 single number of 3; 10-3=7. The Kua number is 7. 

FEMALE - take the single digit and add 5. Using the 1957 single number of 3; 3+5=8. The Kua number is 8. 

Ok so what does this crap even mean?  Did you calculate your number yet?  Or are you just skipping the math part.  Don't worry it's easy.  You won't need a calculator or pencil and paper.  Just do it.  Got it?  Good.  

4 best/luckiest corners

4 worst/shittiest corners

I'm hoping after about a week I will feel better/successful (ok well maybe not successful but you get the picture).  Will I be able to sleep more soundly without waking up in a cold sweat?  Who knows.  Is this feng shui just a pile of shit?  Who knows.

I also followed some of these rules/guidelines:

1) never have your feet pointing towards the door.  Coffin position.  Nuff said.
2) never have your bed between a door and a window.  
3) get rid of the mirrors in your room (easy peasy)
4) no sharp corners near your bed
5) invest in some curtains

Your bed room should be for that only.  Bed.  No television, computer, video games, cell phones, etc.  

So go find your kua numbers and check out these sites if interested in changing your room and your mind.