Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's been a while....

So it's been a few since I've written anything here. Things that have happened: mob hits, shootings in the shit hole town where I work, nothing new though.

I've been trying to record stuff but lately I've been feeling "not in the zone." Or I haven't the right tools. i.e. crappy Fender P-bass that was dead as shit or a 5-string Ibanez with a buzzing B string. Or simply I just did NOT want to chip my nail polish! Oi!

I won a VIP party at Headliners in Neptune last nite. Had waaaaaay too much fun! Well deserved though. So much blackmail against me now. Tee hee hee.

Tasha and Me

Me and mullet man

Tasha, Jack Daniels, Me

Looking back at the pix taken I must say my friends are friggin insane. Oh man...

Till next time, kiddies!

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