Saturday, January 1, 2011

January First Two Thousand and Eleven

Why is it every New Years day I get blah and depressed?  I can't explain it.  Anyway, decided to "drown my sorrows" at Walmart.  I was planning on making some really corny 3-D nail art out of fimo.  Decided it would be more fun to make obscene things out of the clay instead.  Oh well.  Who wouldn't want little weenies on their nails?  I mean, I certainly would! 
I also bought two notebooks.  I plan on writing A LOT more in the new year.  Songs, music, tabs, corny haiku's only a drunk person could understand, stories, scripts, etc.  The second notebook is for my DIET. Yes that's right, diet.  The ugly D-word aside from DOUCHE.  That's an ugly word. Icky.  Anyhooo I really need to start writing what I eat.  My eating "rituals" are a bit erratic and I'd like to seriously keep track of things.  Not that I don't already know why I have horrifying heartburn and have to drink lidocaine viscous from time to time, but there's some other problems I'd like to keep track of.  Ok enough about my bi-polar stomach. 
I seriously think you need to have a lobotomy in order to work at Walmart.  Sorry if you are currently employed with the company but come on people.  Walking around with your thumb up your ass bumping into my cart ain't cool in my book.  Open your eyes and look where you're going.  I shouldn't blame this mess entirely on the staff members but the customers as well.  If you see me coming don't stop in the middle of the aisle and block it with your cart.  Ten to one says I'm going to bust through it with my cart like the Kool Aid guy.  OH YEA!
If you spill nail polish on the floor don't leave the broken bottle on the floor so when I walk down the aisle at the same time an employee does she doesn't think I did it.  Oi.

Diet will start Monday.  It's silly starting a diet on the weekend, and plus I have a huge stock of Totino's pizza rolls I need to unload. 

I believe that is it for now.  Stay tuned tomorrow for more stupid ramblings brought to you by the one and only, LC.

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