Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm on the hunt, I'm after YOU Day: 1

I've been on a search for a couple of years now for the perfect facial moisturizer. How much more vain could this possibly sound but given the fact that I've been suddenly blessed with less than perfect skin, I believe that this a fair search. dermotologist triggered my breakouts and facial redness to a possible allergic reaction. Fine, but to what? I tried eliminating caffeine from my diet and almost winded up in a padded room at the hospital. Padded room with a view? I knew my vitamin D level was low so I started taking my prescription vitamin D. No big improvements. Frustrated I figured that my laundry deteregent might be the culprit. I headed to the grocery store and picked up a huge bottle of "dye free, color free, fragrance free, ingredient free, you're really buying maple syrup" detergent. No big improvements either although my skin did feel a little less itchy. So I sit here again frustrated because I don't know what is causing these breakouts. I feel I am too old to be breaking out now and when other people point it out and tell me I should buy some crap off of TV then pretty much burns off your epidermis, I get a little more than upset. Just completely annoyed with my skin. What could be causing this fiasco? I take the medication and use the lotion that the dermatologist gave me but they only help a little. I want this problem gone NOW.
Being extremely bored at night does have it's advantages. I studied the ingredients of the lotion I was using for my hands and face and noticed it contained "petrolatum." I'm no scientist in any means so I looked it up. Although noncomodegenic that doesn't mean it still can't cause a reaction for some people. Interesting. I remembered back to what my doctor said I should use. Cera Ve lotion. Not the cream. Doesn't contain lanolin like others I have tried, and won't clog pores. Only problem with Cera Ve is the price tag. About $15 for the lotion. Everything I want has to come with a hefty price tag doesn't it? Of course.
After getting a much needed hair cut (that's a whole different story in itself) I stopped by Walgreens to finally buy the "holy grail." I had 2 options: Walgreens brand or the actual Cera Ve brand. I studied the ingredients in both and opted for the less expensive Walgreens brand. Score!
Let's skip to the important factors here, shall we? Ok. Take shower, wash face, etc. Apply moisturizer. Ok no problem. I give myself about 2 "squirts" of lotion and apply to my face. No burning, no itching, no tingling. So far so good. I noticed it didn't moisturize my hands too well but that's not why I bought it soooo....anyway. The fake Cera Ve didn't aggravate any pre-exisiting breakouts nor did it cause anymore. Yay so far. My face looked a little greasy after applying but it didn't feel greasy and gross. A lot of times with moisturizers and lotions they tend to turn my face red. I'm still convinced it's the petrolatum. So seeing that this is the first day/night I'm trying this lotion out I shall report back in a few days to see if my skin does look better.

1 comment:

  1. Thats what I like in the product , put it on and move on with your life. Mught have to give this a try . Good Post
    Tracey xo
