Friday, April 22, 2011

Vintage-y Crapola

Somehow I seemed to have peeled myself away from my Forensic File couchlock and prepared a rather simple description of my fabulous fun times at the thrift stores. How does one tell the difference between vintage and just plain crap? I'm not too entirely sure myself but sit back and listen to my tale entitled "What is that smell?"

This past Tuesday I had fabulous jury duty. I was really hoping my number wouldn't get called but of course it did. What the hell made me so special? Duh. I was mad because I had planned a "date" with my mother to check out a few thrift stores in the area, and plus my niece was born the day before so if I couldn't go "thrifting" I definitely wanted to go see her. So I sat in Jury Assembly for two boring hours counting the seconds and lo and behold my number gets called AGAIN. This time I had to go to the actual court and again sit there. The judge asked if there was any of us that wouldn't be able to serve until June and a crapload of people raised their hands, including me. There's no way I could afford to give up work to make $5 a day in court. Sheesh. I went up to the sidebar, pleaded "my case" and the judge excused me. Thank you, your honor!

Anywho, this leaves me plenty of time to hit up a local crap shop until they close at 4 pm. I was seriously fighting to keep my eyes open and was contemplating napping instead. Nah. Shop til I literally drop from exhaustion. That's the ticket. I go pick up Mumsy and off we go. First stop: SOCH Holly-whatever-the-hell-it's-called Store Thing. The first hint we should've skipped this store was probably the cop cars that were lining up down the street. None of the traffic lights worked and, as we come to find out, all of Manahawkin's power was out. The store had no lights and the smell was horrifying. It was probably from the 80000 people that kept letting their kids toot all over the store. Whatever. I managed to find a Stacey Q record and some "retro" looking shirts. Only one of the three I bought was actually worth a taking a picture of. It's a Cathy Daniels, uh, original?

and Ms. Q

After losing my mother several times in the dark we decided to get the hell out of there before something more catastrophic would occur.

Skip a head a couple of days and that brings us to Thursday. I slept in later than I had planned on so I was rushing to get out before the stores closed. Mind you it wasn't that late it was about 1 pm, but the thrift stores close early around these parts. I owed my 16 year old niece a "date" so I called her up and asked her to go shopping with me. We headed on over to the Good Will. Think what you want but you can find some pretty nifty things in there aside from bed bugs. My niece was growing insatiably bored by the interesting clothing selections so I told her to go find me some records. I know she didn't listen to me because I saw her at the other end of the clothing rack texting. Kids today, I tell ya. Fifteen minutes of searching for the damn record "section" I figured that the two 14 year olds holding the big circular black thingies asking each other "like what the hell are these things?" held the key to my mystery. A ha. Victory. Did you ever notice that thrift stores happen to have a lot of Herb Alpert and Dionne Warwick records? 'Tis true. I found an album that I didn't recognize but when I took the record out it turned out to be Led Zeppelin's Swang Song, although I seriously doubt that that was the album cover. I was happy with my findings at that store and will definitely be making another trip back soon. I also received a Good Will "VIP" card. So now I'm ultra-cool.

"Mysterious" album with LZ inside.

So yes I shall be returning for more Vintage-y Crapola where I will showcase my "Louis Vuitton" and "Gucci" purses. Are they real? Who cares, they were only $2 a piece!



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